SciFest Dubai Community Initiatives
Cafe Scientifique Dubai is a social meet-up. The aim is to talk science over a cup of coffee - away from lecture halls, classrooms, and laboratories. The first Cafes Scientifique started out in Leeds in 1999 and then spread to various cities around the world. Cafe Sci Dubai is the first of its kind in the Middle East.
Cafe Sci audiences are people who are interested in science and come from various walks of life: artists, principals, students, fashion designers, . The vibe is friendly, conversational, and informal.
Cafe Scientifique has over 25,000 followers on Facebook and the founders regularly appear on national radio to promote science. Their work has been extensively covered by local media.
For more details, visit:
Project Tesseract™ is an online salon that aims to promote third culture conversations. It is a community initiative of SciFest Dubai™ that provides a platform for thinkers in Dubai and the MENA region to share their thoughts on issues related to the sciences and the arts.
The internet can be an exciting space for brilliant minds to come together. Project Tesseract is about curating ideas and creating that space for thinkers in Dubai and the MENA region.
Writers for Project Tesseract include various members of Dubai’s intelligentsia – an eclectic mix of professors, journalists, principals, novelists, bloggers, science boffins, art critics, and social commentators.
For more details, visit:
Intelligent Optimism™ is a movement founded by SciFest Dubai with the aim of getting people excited about science, technology and the future. Through statistics, data, evidence, and rational reasons, the movement aims to promote the idea that science and technology are helping to make the world a better place.
Intelligent Optimism requires us to pay more attention to the well-deserved good news. It’s about understanding that the future is what we make of it and we have the potential to make extraordinary things happen.
The movement has over 330,000 followers on Facebook and promotes its activities through workshops, thinktanks, radio shows, magazine articles,projects, and in the print media.
For more details, visit:
TED is a nonprofit devoted to ‘Ideas Worth Spreading.’ It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment,Design. TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So is a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.
The TEDx talks at Winchester are under approved licence from© TED CONFERENCES, LLC
The Cafe Sci Dubai Astronomy Group aims to spread a sense of wonder and awe about the vastness of the universe and about the mysteries of space. Through stargazing activities, workshops, telescopic viewing, talks, exhibitions, conferences, quizzes, and camping trips, the group works on making astronomy fun and on creating awareness about the importance of taking a cosmic perspective.
The Cafe Sci Dubai Astronomy Group is an affiliated member of Astronomers Without Borders, a global organisation that fosters understanding and goodwill across national and cultural boundaries by creating relationships through the universal appeal of astronomy.
For more details, cick here.