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Science Papers


About the science papers: 
The purpose of the science papers is to give students and teachers of science an opportunity to present scientific ideas, theories, and outcomes of science experiments. The papers may also be about pedagogy and practice in science education.  See the information booklet for more details.

We also hope to encourage science teachers to collaborate with more-able science students in presenting a paper (when and where this is possible).


Click here for registration details.  


The papers should target one of the following groups:
·         Primary and Secondary School students
·         College and University students
·         Teachers and Adults involved in Science Education

The lectures will feature oral and poster presentations as well as interactive question sessions with the audience. Each Lecture will last one hour (presentation followed by Q&A). English will be the working language for all printed material, presentations and discussions.

The following topics serve only as a guide. Submissions are welcome from other areas of science too.
·         Astronomy
·         Neuroscience
·         Nanotechnology
·         Research & Development
·         Science Education: Pedagogy &  Practice
·         Sustainable development, Renewable Energies
·         Current Trends in science

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