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Title: Visual Lies and Colour Deception

Age Group: 13-15 years old

Details: Why do our eyes seem to deceive us sometimes? Is the information that goes into our eyes always the same as the information that is generated by our brain? Is there something quantum mechanical about the superposition of a blue/black and white/gold dress? Or is the answer much simpler than that?


Title: Let’s Discover…Weather!

Age Group: 4-7 years old

Details: Discover what it takes to be a young meteorologist with this interactive and fun workshop for young scientists. Use anemometers to learn about wind and experience how strong a storm can be. Have fun while making tornadoes and observe how light scatters in rainbows. Get ready to touch a real, but safe, lightning and challenge your friends to make the loudest thunder!


Title: Let’s Discover…Electricity!

Age Group: 8-10 years old

Details: Come and join this exciting and hands-on workshop to discover everything about electricity. Learn how electrical current flows, what’s the difference between conductors and insulators and test your ability to build circuits. Discover how common batteries work while trying to figure out how to light up a LED using lemons. Finally be part of the biggest human electrical circuit ever!


Title: Glow in the Dark (fluorescence and phosphorescence)

Age Group: 4-7 years old

Details: Learn about the differences between fluorescence and phosphorescence with different glowing experiments.


Title: How to make a rainbow

Age Group: 5-8 years old

Details: Learn about the formation of a rainbow by creating your own rainbow in a fun and exciting ways!


Title: DNA Sequencing and Extraction

Age Group: 12-15 years old

Details: DNA is the blueprint of life and contains all of the information necessary to build and maintain an organism. In this workshop, you will be able to see what DNA looks like in real life, by extracting it yourselves from fruits


Title: Smoke and Mirrors

Age Group: 8-10 years old

Details: Why does your pencil look broken in a beaker of water? Can you make a coin disappear using only water? Can you make your own camera? Find out at this fascinating workshop!


Title: Total Internal Reflection

Age Group: 13-15 years old

Details: Why don’t phone calls don't leak out of optical fibers or how TV signals are transmitted through cables? Learn about the physical phenomenon of total internal reflection and how it helps transmit phone messages along optical cable and how we can prevent the signal from weakening too rapidly over long distances.


Title: The Magic of Optics

Age Group: 13-15 years old

Details: Learn about how to use mirrors to create illusions.


Title: Dispersion of light

Age Group: 13-15 years old

Details: Learn about how white light is a composite light using prisms, sprinkled droplets, and composite light source demo.


Title: Interference and Refraction

Age Group: 13-15 years old

Details: Learn about pattern demonstration and classification of interference and refraction through the Young’s Double Slit experiment.


Title: Arduino – Electronic Circuits

Age Group: 11-15 years old

Details: This workshop will teach attendees how to actually put together electronic circuits using many different type of components. This usually a higher level than schools. But we will simplify it to make sure the attendees will understand it.


Title: Reflection, Refraction and Total internal reflection

Age Group: 11-15 years old

Details: Learn how to conduct experiment based on reflection, refraction and total internal reflection of light and the real life application related to mirages, high refractive index of diamonds, optical fibres and telecommunication.


Title: LED Cups

Age Group: 12-15 years old

Details: The LED, or light-emitting diode, is essentially a miniature light source encased in a plastic lens. In this workshop students will learn about the benefits of using LED lights. And how to make an automatic LED cup that lights with pressure when the drink is poured in the glass.


Title: Pinhole Camera

Age Group: 8-10 years old

Details: Learn how to make a pin-hole camera


Title: Bending Pencils

Age Group: 8-10 years old

Details: Learn about diffraction through practical experiments.


Title: Smart Green Homes

Age Group: 7-10 years old

Details: Learn about the basic concepts of electronics, sensors and green energy


Title: The Light Elephant

Age Group: 9-11 years old

Details: Light painting, or light drawing, is a photographic technique in which exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source while taking a photograph. This workshop involves drawing an animation through light paint.


Title: Glow it

Age Group: 9-11 years old

Details: In this workshop students will learn the about phosphor which radiates visible light after being energized. They will also paint their own jar and see the results of the use of phosphor paint.


Title: Book your Vacation

Age Group: 15-17 years old

Details: The workshop will be a role playing game where every student will have a mission to accomplish. The mission is to book their vacation with the station available like: online, travel agency, airline booths or any other form they wish. 


Title: Colours in Daily Life

Age Group: 8-10 years old

Details: Learn how to mix light of different colours.


Title: Eye Opener

Age Group: 11-12 years old

Details: Learn about optical illusions associated with light.




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